Give Up Anger, Ambition and Willfulness, and See Frustration Depart

October 22.

Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from me:
nevertheless not my will,
but Thine, be done.

LUKE 22, verse 42.

Just as Thou wilt is just what I would will;
Give me but this, the heart to be content,
And, if my wish is thwarted, to lie still,
Waiting till puzzle and till pain are spent,
And the sweet thing made plain which the Lord meant.


Let your will be one with His will, and be glad to be
disposed of by Him. He will order all things for you.
What can cross your will, when it is one with His will,
on which all creation hangs, round which all things revolve?
Keep your hearts clear of evil thoughts;
for as evil choices estrange the will from His will,
so evil thoughts cloud the soul, and hide Him from
us. Whatever sets us in opposition
to Him makes our will an intolerable torment.
So long as we will one thing and He another,
we go on piercing ourselves through and through
with a perpetual wound; and His will advances
moving on in sanctity and majesty,
crushing ours into the dust.


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