Prayer is the Soul's Silent Cry to God and Desire to Be Near Him

Whether you are a people pleaser or resentfully rebellious--either way you are reacting and responding to outside people and situations just as you did when you were a little child and someone pressured or teased you. That energy is not good, which you sense when you become drained, fatigued, harried and pressured.

You can't help yourself without painful repression or avoidance behavior. Otherwise you just have to excuse and rationalize everything you do. You must find your own ground of being from which to flow intuitively and gracefully. Not from pushing against things and not from buckling under to other's demands. You must find the energy of love and grace.
This energy, coming from a good inner source, will even give you the courage to say "no" with love to those who have learned to take advantage of you. You must learn how to resist without resentment.

Years ago there was a wonderful television program called Kung Fu. It was about a monk from China who travelled around the old West and had many adventures.

The writers and the main actor did a fantastic job of showing how a person should live. First of all, he loved what was right. He loved what was right so much that he even risked his life to see justice prevail and to help other people. He did what was right even though there was no advantage for him.He lived intuitively and spontaneously.

For each new moment he checked with his conscience and moved intuitively according to its delicate wordless dictates. He did not react to tease, temptation, or provocation. He let tease and temptation pass. When and if he moved, it was in his own time and space, and not in reaction to temptation.

I believe it is possible for each of us, living now in the 21st century to live and move and have our being gracefully, just as Caine, the Shaolin monk did in the Kung Fu Television Series. You can find this gracious energy by learning to meditate properly. You must learn how to be a little distant to external tease, but closer to God.

If you sense that you are not living your own life, that you are somehow out of balance, pressured and never at ease, then you can be sure that you are moving with the wrong energy. If you will, go to and try the stress reducing meditation that we offer. Discover how to take control of your own life and emotions in an effortless way.

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