The Creator Must Care For the Creatures He Has Made

November 9.

Say not thou, I will hide myself from the Lord: shall any remember me from above? I shall not be remembered among so many people: for what is my soul among such an infinite number of creatures?

ECCLESIASTICUS 16, verse 17.

Among so many, can He care?
Can special love be everywhere?
A myriad homes,--a myriad ways,
And God's eye over every place?
I asked: my soul bethought of this;
--In just that very place of His
Where He hath put and keepeth you,
God hath no other thing to do!


Give free and bold play to those instincts
of the heart which believe that the Creator
must care for the creatures He has made,
and that the only real effective care for
them must be that which takes each of
them into His love, and knowing it separately
surrounds it with His separate sympathy.
There is not one life which the Life-giver
ever loses out of His sight; not one which
sins so that He casts it away; not one which
is not so near to Him that whatever touches
it touches Him with sorrow or with joy.


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