Shun All That Is Disquieting And Distracting
November 16.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on Thee:
because he trusteth in Thee.
ISAIAH 26, verse 3.
What comforts, Lord, to those are given,
Who seek in Thee their home and rest!
They find on earth an opening heaven,
And in Thy peace are amply blest.
God is a tranquil Being, and abides in a tranquil
eternity. So must thy spirit become a
tranquil and clear little pool, wherein the
serene light of God can be mirrored.
Therefore shun all that is disquieting and
distracting, both within and without.
Nothing in the whole world is worth the loss
of thy peace; even the faults which thou hast
committed should only humble, but not
disquiet thee. God is full of joy, peace, and
happiness. Endeavor then to obtain a
continually joyful and peaceful spirit.
Avoid all anxious care, vexation, murmuring,
and melancholy, which darken thy soul,
and render thee unfit for the friendship
of God. If thou dost perceive such feelings
arising, turn gently away from them.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on Thee:
because he trusteth in Thee.
ISAIAH 26, verse 3.
What comforts, Lord, to those are given,
Who seek in Thee their home and rest!
They find on earth an opening heaven,
And in Thy peace are amply blest.
God is a tranquil Being, and abides in a tranquil
eternity. So must thy spirit become a
tranquil and clear little pool, wherein the
serene light of God can be mirrored.
Therefore shun all that is disquieting and
distracting, both within and without.
Nothing in the whole world is worth the loss
of thy peace; even the faults which thou hast
committed should only humble, but not
disquiet thee. God is full of joy, peace, and
happiness. Endeavor then to obtain a
continually joyful and peaceful spirit.
Avoid all anxious care, vexation, murmuring,
and melancholy, which darken thy soul,
and render thee unfit for the friendship
of God. If thou dost perceive such feelings
arising, turn gently away from them.