The Tender Love of God

November 27.

The Lord hath been mindful of us: He will bless us.

PSALM 115, verse 12.

My Father! what am I, that all
Thy mercies sweet like sunlight fall
So constant o'er my way?
That Thy great love should shelter me,
And guide my steps so tenderly
Through every changing day?


What a strength and spring of life,
what hope and trust, what glad,
unresting energy, is in this one thought,
--to serve Him who is "my Lord,"
ever near me, ever looking on;
seeing my intentions before He beholds my
failures; knowing my desires before He
sees my faults; cheering me to
endeavor greater things, and yet
accepting the least; inviting my poor
service, and yet, above all, content with
my poorer love. Let us try to realize
this, whatsoever, wheresoever we be.
The humblest and the simplest,the weakest
and the most encumbered, may love
Him not less than the busiestand strongest,
the most gifted and laborious. If our heart be
clear before Him; if He be to us our chief
and sovereign choice, dear above all,
and beyond all desired; then all else
matters little. That which concerneth us
He will perfect in stillness and in power.


November 28.

Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting l
ove: therefore with loving kindness
have I drawn thee.

JEREMIAH 31, verse 3.

On the great love of God I lean,
Love of the Infinite,
With nought of heaven or earth between.
This God is mine, and I am His;
His love is all I need of bliss.


If ever human love was tender, and self-sacrificing,
and devoted; if ever it could bear and forbear;
if ever it could suffer gladly for its love dones;
if ever it was willing to pour itself out in a lavish
abandonment for the comfort or pleasure of its
objects; then infinitely more is Divine love
tender, and self-sacrificing, and devoted, and
glad to bear and forbear, and to suffer, and to
lavish its best of gifts and blessings upon the
objects of its love. Put together all the tenderest
love you know of, the deepest you have ever
felt, and the strongest that has ever been
poured out upon you, and heap upon it all the
love of all the loving human hearts in the
world, and then multiply it by infinity, and you
will begin, perhaps,to have some faint glimpse
of what the love of God is.


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