The Lord Hath Dealt Bountifully With Thee
December 15.
Return unto thy rest, O my soul;
for the Lord hath dealt bountifully
with thee.
PSALM 116, verse 7.
We which have believed do enter into rest.
HEBREWS 4, verse 3.
Rest is not quitting
The busy career;
Rest is the fitting
Of self to its sphere.
'T is loving and serving
The highest and best!
'T is onwards, unswerving,
And that is true rest.
As a result of this strong faith, the inner
life of Catherine of Genoa was characterized,
in a remarkable degree, by what may be
termed rest, or quietude; which is only
another form of expression for true interior
peace.It was not, however, the quietude of
a lazy in action, but the quietude of an inward
acquiescence; not a quietude which feels
nothing and does nothing, but that higher
and divine quietude which exists by
feeling and acting in the time and degree
of God's appointment and God's will.
It was a principle in her conduct, to give herself
to God in the discharge of duty; and to leave
all results without solicitude in His hands.
Return unto thy rest, O my soul;
for the Lord hath dealt bountifully
with thee.
PSALM 116, verse 7.
We which have believed do enter into rest.
HEBREWS 4, verse 3.
Rest is not quitting
The busy career;
Rest is the fitting
Of self to its sphere.
'T is loving and serving
The highest and best!
'T is onwards, unswerving,
And that is true rest.
As a result of this strong faith, the inner
life of Catherine of Genoa was characterized,
in a remarkable degree, by what may be
termed rest, or quietude; which is only
another form of expression for true interior
peace.It was not, however, the quietude of
a lazy in action, but the quietude of an inward
acquiescence; not a quietude which feels
nothing and does nothing, but that higher
and divine quietude which exists by
feeling and acting in the time and degree
of God's appointment and God's will.
It was a principle in her conduct, to give herself
to God in the discharge of duty; and to leave
all results without solicitude in His hands.