Partakers Of The Inheritance Of The Saints

December 24.

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath
made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance
of the saints in light.

COLOSSIANS 1, verse 12.

The souls most precious to us here
May from this home have fled;
But still we make one household dear;
One Lord is still our head.
Midst cherubim and seraphim
They mind their Lord's affairs;
Oh! if we bring our work to Him
Our work is one with theirs.


We are apt to feel as if nothing we could do on
earth bears a relation to what the good are doing
in a higher world; but it is not so. Heaven and earth
are not so far apart. Every disinterested act,
every sacrifice to duty, every exertion for the good
of "one of the least of Christ's brethren," every
new insight into God's works, every new impulse
given to the love of truth and goodness, associates
us with the departed, brings us nearer to them,
and is as truly heavenly as if we were acting, not
on earth, but in heaven. The spiritual tie between us
and the departed is not felt as it should be.
Our union with them daily grows stronger, if we
daily make progress in what they are growing in.


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