Go On Bravely and Cheerfully

January 24.

I will bless the Lord,
who hath given me counsel.

PSALM 16, verse 7.

Not slothful in business;
fervent in spirit;
serving the Lord.

ROMANS 12, verse 11.

Mine be the reverent, listening love
That waits all day on Thee,
With the service of a watchful heart
Which no one else can see.


Nothing is small or great in God's sight;
whatever He wills becomes great to us,
however seemingly trifling, and if once
the voice of conscience tells us that He
requires anything of us, we have no right
to measure its importance. On the other
hand, whatever He would not have us do,
however important we may think it, is
as nought to us. How do you know what
you may lose by neglecting this duty,
which you think so trifling, or the blessing
which its faithful performance may bring?
Be sure that if you do your very best in
that which is laid upon you daily, you will
not be left without sufficient help when
some weightier occasion arises. Give
yourself to Him, trust Him, fix your eye
upon Him, listen to His voice, and then go
on bravely and cheerfully.


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