It Is By Doing Our Duty That We learn To Do It

January 22.

Then shall we know,
if we follow on to know the Lord.

HOSEA 6, verse 3.

And, as the path of duty is made plain,
May grace be given that I may walk therein,
Not like the hireling, for his selfish gain,
With backward glances and reluctant tread,
Making a merit of his coward dread,
But, cheerful, in the light around me thrown,
Walking as one to pleasant service led;
Doing God's will as if it were my own,
Yet trusting not in mine,
but in His strength alone!


It is by doing our duty that we learn to do it.
So long as men dispute whether or no a
thing is their duty, they get never the nearer.
Let them set ever so weakly about doing it,
and the face of things alters. They find in
themselves strength which they knew not
of. Difficulties which it seemed to them
they could not get over, disappear. For He
accompanies it with the influences of His
blessed Spirit, and each performance opens
our minds for larger influxes of His grace,
and places them in communion with Him.


That which is called considering what is our
duty in a particular case, is very often nothing
but endeavoring to explain it away.


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