Good Manners In The Home
February 15.
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the Scripture,
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well.
JAMES 2, verse 8.
Come, children, let us go!
We travel hand in hand;
Each in his brother finds his joy
In this wild stranger land.
The strong be quick to raise
The weaker when they fall;
Let love and peace and patience bloom
In ready help for all.
It is a sad weakness in us, after all, that
the thought of a man's death hallows him
anew to us; as if life were not sacred too,--
as if it were comparatively a light thing to
fail in love and reverence to the brother
who has to climb the whole toilsome steep
with us, and all our tears and tenderness
were due to the one who is spared
that hard journey.
Would we codify the laws that should reign
in households, and whose daily transgression
annoys and mortifies us, and degrades our
household life,--we must learn to adorn every
day with sacrifices. Good manners are made up
of petty sacrifices. Temperance, courage, love, are
made up of the same jewels.
Listen to every prompting of honor.
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the Scripture,
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well.
JAMES 2, verse 8.
Come, children, let us go!
We travel hand in hand;
Each in his brother finds his joy
In this wild stranger land.
The strong be quick to raise
The weaker when they fall;
Let love and peace and patience bloom
In ready help for all.
It is a sad weakness in us, after all, that
the thought of a man's death hallows him
anew to us; as if life were not sacred too,--
as if it were comparatively a light thing to
fail in love and reverence to the brother
who has to climb the whole toilsome steep
with us, and all our tears and tenderness
were due to the one who is spared
that hard journey.
Would we codify the laws that should reign
in households, and whose daily transgression
annoys and mortifies us, and degrades our
household life,--we must learn to adorn every
day with sacrifices. Good manners are made up
of petty sacrifices. Temperance, courage, love, are
made up of the same jewels.
Listen to every prompting of honor.