Let the Beauty of the Lord our God Be Upon Us

He that abideth in me, and I in him,
bringeth forth much fruit.

JOHN 15, verse 5.

Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.

PSALM 90, verse 17.

As some rare perfume in a vase of clay
Pervades it with a fragrance not its own,
So, when Thou dwellest in a mortal soul,
All Heaven's own sweetness seems around it thrown.


Some glances of real beauty may be seen
in their faces, who dwell in true meekness.
There is a harmony in the sound of that voice
to which Divine love gives utterance, and some
appearance of right order in their temper and
conduct whose passions are regulated.


I believe that no Divine truth can truly dwell
in any heart, without an external testimony in manner,
bearing, and appearance, that must reach the witness
within the heart of the beholder, and bear
an unmistakable, though silent, evidence to
the eternal principle from which it emanates.


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