The Why I Don't Make New Years Resolutions by Pastor R

Why I Don't Make New Years Resolutions

We can't really change ourselves
Even though we try.
One person gives up alcohol
Then is addicted to shopping at the mall.

One guy gave up cigarettes
Then got hooked on toothpicks instead.

Another decides it's time for a total make over.
But soon is back to the same old chocolate and turnovers.

That's why when a person resolves to change,
A year or two later they're in the same old fix again.

They haven't changed at all inside
They are still hanging onto a shred of pride.
They want their cake and eat it too.
They seek to impose their will on life
Instead of waiting to see
What is God's will for them to do.

So they swap addictions
Or place on themselves many restrictions.
Willing and struggling and growing frustrated,
Eating carrots and lettuce in public
But secretly keeping pie refrigerated.

You can't change your nature inside
No matter what you resolve or decide.
A leopard can't change his spots.
We can only pretend to be what we're not.

New Year's resolutions never work.
A jerk who acts nice is still a jerk.

So what can you do to become a new you?

First change on the inside
It's better than all the make overs you tried.

"But how? But how?" you are going to say.
I will give you the answer right away.

It begins with seeing your wrongs
And wanting to change but not knowing how
And crying out to God to help you now.

The first change will be
Your new response to the wrong
About yourself that you see.
When your conscience wordlessly shows it
Let conscience rub your nose in it.

In the past you resented being shown
The wrong you didn't want to own.
You denied the truth by trying to make yourself right
And pushing your conscience out of sight.

True change begins in the moment
When you are shown something wrong about yourself.
But this time, instead of trying to make yourself right,
You say to conscience's quiet inner light
"Yes, I'm wrong. You are right. "

It's ironic that God makes the biggest from the small.
From the acorn a mighty oak tree will grow to be.
The tiny fetus one day will become a dazzling beauty.
And for you, repentance is the biggest change of all
Though it begins in a moment quiet and very small.

The salvation of the world in a lowly stable was born.
And your own salvation begins in a moment when you mourn.

Now can you see why your decisions to change were just denying
God His moment when he was trying
To gently and wordlessly show you your error.
But you resented the message that conscience was bearing.

So the next time you see that you messed up,
Just see it and all your efforts to deny it just stop.
Wait to feel sad, then chastened, then glad.

When your struggle against truth you finally end
You'll discover that conscience is really your friend.

Next time your resent your husband or wife
And you suddenly see that
Resentment is the bane of your life,
Just quietly see that this is true.

Your conscience is not trying to hurt you.
Repentance is God's life giving emotion.
Though He may give you a healthy portion.Next time you are impatient with your child
And you suddenly see your impatience is wrong,
Bear the pain that is firm but mild.
It is how to God you are reconciled.

And it won't be long

Before one day you'll wake up and see
That your resentment and impatience have departed.
Sheer magic it will be
Without effort on your part.
Just don't resent seeing your error.
The light of conscience is a truth bearer.
When you allow God to repent you,
It become His responsibility to change you too.

You won't need the sweets, drinks or drugs you tried.
When you soften your heart and drop the pride.
It was pride that made you feel needy and empty inside.
Frustration disappears and so does tension and crocodile tears.
You'll discover that resentment blocked love all those years.

Conflict is gone. You're no longer wrong.
Goodbye doubts and fears!
Hello sunshine and the robin's song!

True change begins in the moment
When you are shown something wrong about yourself.
But this time, instead of trying to make yourself right,
You say to conscience's quiet inner light
"Yes, I'm wrong. You are right. "

Creative Commons License
This work by Roland Trujillo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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