Pastor Roland's Favorite Bible Verses - The Lord is faithful
We desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end.
HEBREWS 6 verse 2.
The Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.
2 THESSALONIANS 3 verse 3.
Long though my task may be,
Cometh the end.
God it is that helpeth me,
His is the work, and
He New strength will lend.
Set yourself steadfastly to those duties which have the least attractive exterior; it matters not whether God's holy will be fulfilled in great or small matters. Be patient with yourself and your own failings; never be in a hurry, and do not yield to longings after that which is impossible to you. My dear sister, go on steadily and quietly; if our dear Lord means you to run, He will "strengthen your heart."
Always begin by doing that which costs me most, unless the easier duty is a pressing one. Examine, classify, and determine at night the work of the morrow; arrange things in the order of their importance, and act accordingly. Dread, above all things, bitterness and irritation. Never say, or indirectly recall anything to my advantage.
Anne Sophie Swetchine, known as Madame Swetchine, was a Russian mystic, born in Moscow, and famous for her salon in Paris.