Christian Counseling Online - At Last a Real Pastor to Talk to
Tired of faceless websites and unknown counselors and prayer partners?
At last there is a pastor online who has been helping people for 25 years.
And he has lots of books, ebooks, lectures, and advanced meditations for stress and other issues.
Announcement- now Pastor Roland is available for prayer requests by email and online chat for Bible or spiritual questions for educational purposes.
If you are looking for pastoral counseling, we have that too. Pastor Roland is available for telephone and live chat consultations as a Liveperson expert.
Why an online pastor?
- When you want to talk to a pastor but don't want the pastor to know who you are
- or you want some feedback from the convenience of home.
- I'm an ordained pastor and can provide useful and friendly answers 7 days a week
- without judgement or pressure.
- Sometimes feedback from a professional can be helpful. We all could use a little feedback and help from time to time. "Pastor Roland has a doctorate in Pastoral Psychology and 24 years experience helping people.
- Maybe you don't have a pastor, are between churches or you don't want to get involved with a church.
- Maybe you are not a Christian or religious,
- You just want some feed back from a pastor with no strings attached.
- I provide nondenominational feedback without pressure or judgement.
To find out about talking or chatting with Pastor Roland, visit Talk to a Pastor Online