In absolute terms, there is only
one change for the better—it is the change that occurs when we experience
repentance in the light. We see our wrongs and lament them. We see the lies of
the world and how we were misled. We see our own lack of commitment to what is
right, and thus our weakness that permitted us to be led astray.
We then turn from our wrongs and
begin to live anew as a simple person instead of the hard ambitious resentful
thing we had become.
After this live giving
miracle is implemented in your life, you will then have conflict with the
world, instead of conflict with your conscience. This conflict with the world
is a positive thing, meaning that there has been a change in you that makes you
incompatible with the world.
Now instead of copping out on principle, you hold
up the light. Instead of saying nothing and letting evil flourish, you speak
up. And when you encounter opposition, as you surely will, you hold your ground
and remain patient instead of resenting.
a quote from Roland's new book Unholy Passions and the Power to Change