Is the Universe Expanding? A Short Essay on the Cosmological Implications of Dark Matter and an Expanding Universe

Question: If the universe is expanding, does that mean atoms are getting bigger? Is the Solar System expanding?

Mrs Felix: Why don't you do your homework?

Allen Felix: The Universe is expanding. Everything will fall apart, and we'll all die. What's the point?

Mrs Felix: We live in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not expanding! Go do your homework.

(from Annie Hall by Woody Allen)

Dr. Roland's comments: Woody Allen is funny.

Right now I will not say whether it is expanding or not. However, I tend to agree with Albert Einstein's 1917 paper on general relativity and cosmology.

In a 4 dimensional curved geodesic space, using Reimannian geometry to describe gravitational movement, the only line that cannot be drawn is an infinitely straight line, which suggests a universe with mass is a finite sphere.

But is the sphere expanding, like the surface of a balloon being inflated?

If the universe is expanding, and it well might be, perhaps it is because God is still creating. The universe began when out stillness, God expressed His will, and the theoretical pre time wind began to move faster and faster.

Rotating around the still Center of the creation event it accelerated in greater and grater spirals, as the moving arm of God's creative force began to sweep over the now moving field creating pre time gyroscopic magnetism came into being (a function of the spin and centrifugal force) . Note the mysterious arms in the photo above, perhaps reminiscent of the creation event.

As the ether wind blew to tremendous speeds far exceeding the speed of light (which did not yet exist), the moving stillness began to form eddies, little whirlwinds (like eddies in a flowing river).

And these swirling waves spun becoming elementary matter, now lagging behind in the time wind (like a leaf swirls and lags behind in the swifter moving stream.

The rotating out flinging had now created primitive matter. And when these whirlpools came into existence, time came into existence, as the time river flowed by, and space came into existence as the matter dragged behind the ever moving time wind.

Creation began in stillness and when the moving pre time force reached critical speed, the matter, energy, time, then space came into existence.

When you go to the NASA website and look at their photo galaxy, you will find stunning photos of spiral galaxies. I have placed just two of them here.

God sits at the center of the Creation in the timeless realm. Around the still center is still dark timeless pre time no thing. And at His will, a wind blows and the creative force of the wind begins to move with tremendous power.

When in the pre time force, particle/wave matter comes into existence, it is from this that time and space begin to unroll. Subatomic particles coalesce, then atoms form iron and other elements. Larger and larger structures are formed, holding their shape and spin, in the gravity field that surrounds them and exerts pressure from all sides.

Around a spinning iron core a gravitoelectromagnetic field forms. The pressure of the increasing mass size and the pressure of the gravity field create heat and God said "let there be light." And a star is born.

As I look with awe at the Hubble pictures of the spiral galaxies, I cannot help but think that I am looking at a small paradigm of the whole universe, which at this very moment rotates around the still creation center. God is still creating and He still sends His pre time force out from the center, maintaining all empirical phenomena that we experience and in which we live and move and have our physical being.

Remember, creation is continuing right now. Believe it or not, you are bathed in and surrounded by the mysterious pre time force (which feels like time to us) and which is (to the material body) gravity. The timeless force envelops and nurtures the creation. It is the creative force of God's mighty arm.

The gravity is in the field, not the object. It is a push, surrounding mass like waves also push upon a stone around which flows the stream. Gravity is both the push of the curved space time lines of force around the matter and upon the matter, and gravity is also the distortion waves sent out which then exert their pressure distortion on other objects

We sense the timeless field as gravity and we sense it as time. Our soul senses the movement of time from the relatively still position the soul enjoys at the edge of the timeless realm. The enveloping field, because it is of the spiritual timeless dimension, cannot be measured or observed with our instruments, but we feel it as gravity and sense its passing as time. (See my posts on Time and Timelessness)Link

If it is true that the universe is filled with dark matter perhaps comprising over 70 percent of the total mass, it may be that it is evidence--just within the boundary of the line between spirit and matter, between timelessness and time--of the timeless dark moving stillness on the verge of becoming matter. It may be the pre time, pre matter moving stillness itself, moving in a wavelike manner, like ripples on a pond, awaiting God's Command as to what it will become. "What is seen is made by that which is not seen."

Spiral Galaxy

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